Worried about the AT&T data breach that affects 1/3 of Americans?  See how Keenly can help

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We will be shutting down on March 23rd

Why do you need privacy protection?


of US adults will fall victim to online crime in the next 10 years*


was lost to identity theft in 2022 by American consumers**


of US adults have personal info exposed on at least 35 data brokers


makes it easy for identity thieves to use your info to scam you

Start a free scan

Data broker removal


View A Free Privacy Report

Share your basic info to help Keenly scan for online records. View your exposed data, risk level, and more


Remove Your Online Exposures

Keenly sends requests to 100+ data brokers to remove your info, and keeps you updated along the way


Automatic Rescans

Keenly continually rescans data brokers for your info and automatically removes your data as it reappears.

Full privacy protection

Monitoring your info online

Keenly offers full privacy suite that features dark web monitoring, neighborhood watch, and SSN monitoring to keep yourself and your family safe, online and offline.

$1M identity theft insurance

Keenly offers $1 million in identity theft insurance to cover eligible losses and fees, giving you peace of mind.

White glove restoration service

Keenly continually rescans data brokers for your info and automatically removes your data as it reappears.